The Main Problem With Nuclear Waste

Nuclear Waste is still splitting the atoms , there is no containment so the atoms are released into the environment . You can put 2 million atoms on the head of a needle but you can not see them so how many atoms does it take to boil water to power a million homes each day . Each atom is capable of making a insect a animals a bird a mammal or a human sick and they have a life span that exceed the human experience .

Each fuel pool is full of decades of reactor cores that are still splitting the atoms into the environment each day . Each fuel pool world wide and there is well over a 1000 of them full of reactor cores that are splitting the atom aka ( Hot Fuel ) will boil off at least 120,000 liters of special water that is saturated with radioactive isotopes .

The emission are released up the tall skinny stacks that are meant to make the perpetual disease factors aka atoms fall off site . Most nuclear reactors are surrounded by farms and its on purpose , the farms collect radioactive fallout in the food and that is shipped to supermarkets to hurt and poison the unsuspecting consumers . The nuclear industry is not naive or gullible its cold and calculating and it sees you and your loved ones with nothing but contempt .