Fukushima Research Expedition Show Mass Species Die Off - Greenpeace response is to Yawn

By Nuclear Expert and Nuclear Marine researcher Dana Durnford

This is part 3 showing my research expedition species count and the tally is dismal .
See part 1 here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA16e7r8pnQ

See part 2 here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Akid12fM9k

Yet to my utter horror and disbelief the worlds environmental organizations refuse to even acknowledge my work is humiliating embarrassing and infuriating shows environment stewards are not even trying to help the species ,they seems to be controlled opposition only created to displace real people .

No media including alternative media will report on it , its like I do not even exist despite the endless work I done and continue to do . Is there really a human species I wonder . There certainly is no such thing as a scientist my research proves that %100 . A group of Scientist is basically a death squad that is intent on exterminating all species .

I am completely confused as to why they have the nerve to call themselves academics and scientist . It is absurd that a scientist can pretend they give a fook about life , I can not find any proof they are even humans .

If I had a single foundation or organization to back me financially I could make the world a incredibly better place for all species . I have proven over many years I am the man for the job . Instead I am forced to struggle to even fuel my operation let alone keep it afloat . Its simply embarrassing that someone like me should ave to do without .

I am confused maybe I should be trying to kill what few species are left, I bet Greenpeace and the rest of worthless environmental organizations and foundations would fund extermination expeditions . One thing I know for certain today is I am ashamed to be a human .

By Nuclear Expert Dana Durnford