Tepco Says 30 Million 1 Ton Radiation Bags Will Not Be Moved For 20 More Years


Japan citizens are overwhelmed with radiation fallout contaminating their air land and water from Fukushima nuclear power plants melting down . Once the reactors melt down and go into a chain reaction the 9000 Fahrenheit temperatures will eat through the containment . The liquefied uranium hits water creating hydrogen . Once the hydrogen builds up then coming into contact with oxygen will cause the hydrogen and reactor to detonate . The nuclear fallout crosses the ocean in as little as 3 days and travels world wide in 40 days . Japan of course gets wicked doses on the land mountains rivers valleys streams community’s homes etc etc etc and


Japan has no one on their side in mass media world wide including Japan , and lost the bitter battle for truth years ago. . What a nuclear meltdown means is simple really , think of 9000 degrees consuming rocks and dirt like the steam from a old locomotive train , invisible but permanent on a global scale of ionizing atomizing everything around it to fuel it then aerosol this invisible endless radiating snowstorm with insidious hot partials of radiation


The back up plan for nuclear accidents has always been recruiting the homeless because Yale University’s is not answering the phone . Japan has to recruit the destitute because MIT is too busy being special and nuclear meltdowns are like a Banana according to Yale professors in media . Japan has to recruit the Immigrants to work at Fukushima because Stanford University megalomaniacs are to good for that kind of dangerous work . .

Fukushima bags good for 2 years  will have to survive 20 years

The earth at Fukushima is cracked wide open and the radioactive steam is coming out of the ground in 6 place at over 10 sieverts per hour . 5 Sieverts is a lethal dose to humans including spider man and the hulk . Once the radiation steam touches down on the site the site is permanently lethal to life and then radiation steam is not a one off thing its documented for over several years strait .

Its safe to say Fukushima is more scary than a real life medusa to the victims forced tricks and deceived to work there .

The real reactor 3

The real reactor 3

Fukushima nuclear meltdowns have no equal the radiation can span history and continue to be raging out of control hemorrhaging into the environment relentlessly .

Japan has to recruit the victims of society because University Of California Berkeley Alumni Academics Students professors are not allowed out after dark and just don,t care . After all those experts have all been quoted in the media for decades with not a single rebuttal in history that nuclear waste and fallout it like a Banana its like a potato chip its like walking in sunshine its like flying in a plane .

Japan is using the immigrants and victims of society with ruthlessly dishonest tactics and illegal slavery to scratch up just a tiny fraction of the radiation that is actually there . Yet that amounted to a staggering mind blowing 30 million One Ton bags , remember that is from just 3 per cent of the land in Fukushima prefecture only .

Right along side of those bags Japan govt is subsiding farmers to go in and grow food on the same land where the bags sit . Forsaking humanity Japan nuke industry has found easy victims aplenty and as is custom with nuclear history they target the vulnerable and uniformed and literally tricked and deceived the most vulnerable of society to continue living and move into in some bizarre attempt to


30 million one ton bags . To most people that is just a number with no context . Each bag is full of dangerous radiation . Consider each bag is in the back of 30 million one ton trucks bumped to bumper .

Each truck is 20 ft long giving you 120,000 miles of trucks bumped to bumper around the entire planet earth 4,8 times or 5 rows of traffic bumper to bumper around Earth .emitting radiation all day all right for millions of years .

Catch the live show to night Dec 19th 2018 and i,ll break down the whole sorry mess as much as I can in one hour .


Japanese media aka nuke cult ( look up the work media and try to apply it to japan ) is reporting the 30 million one tons bags of radiation picked up in 3% of Fukushima land . They picked the bags up where the houses are and the farms are will not be moved for at least 20 more years .

David Suzuki said if reactor 4 fuel pool collapse then its by by Japan and we should evacuate the west coast of north america , well guess what

David Suzuki said if reactor 4 fuel pool collapse then its by by Japan and we should evacuate the west coast of north america , well guess what

While that might seem to be the major story guess again the major story is Fukushima farmers and fishermen still dealing with negative publicity about growing food where they picked up 30 million one ton bags and left them right where they picked them up and grew food there right along side of them .

Oh by the way fuel pools use to be at the top of the buildings , they store the reactor cores for decades . This is Reactor 3 above with MOX Fuel and the reactor and fuel pools are missing so its time to stop pretending we do not have a probably bec…

Oh by the way fuel pools use to be at the top of the buildings , they store the reactor cores for decades . This is Reactor 3 above with MOX Fuel and the reactor and fuel pools are missing so its time to stop pretending we do not have a probably because brother we have a problem

Remember the rubber bags break down in less than a couple of years , we are already past that point . The nuclear industry is reveling in your media voodoo induced stupidity while its destroys them their friends their family and their loved ones at the same time , It is gut wrenching terrifying and revolting .

It should but does not seems surreal we have no university's no academics or super stars nor political or media personality . There is zero corporation nil leaders loudmouth arrogant social medias better than everyone else personality's no meek poets or lazy famous writers no adrenaline pumping sports stars no famous or up and coming singers .

50 minutes even claimed they stood on top of reactor 3 , locals called it Medusa because you know

50 minutes even claimed they stood on top of reactor 3 , locals called it Medusa because you know

Earth has zippy doo da zero heroes or shakers and movers to have a actual conversation with humans because none of those have the attributes of a human . Main stream media silence and out right lies are far from a sloppy journalism oh my yes . Its in your face out right contempt for you and me , its blank stares and blatant arrogant if you question the silence or lies .

The solution to a massive radiation event is not silence and big green rugs to sweep 30 million one ton bags of radiation under no no NO . The solution begins by admitting we have no solutions because a solution would mean admitting nuclear has a flaw like everything else humans hay wired together . Nuclear is so fragile just the thought that its farts stink is unbearable to the pompous weirdos entrenches suicidal nuke cult .

Nuclear is a cult of idiots pile driving earths future past and present into the ground with grovelling media willingly licking nuke boots for more misery machines to extinguish all hope and life .